Skate Canada
Skate Canada has worked diligently to prepare resources to support skaters and their families on their figure skating journey.
Be sure to engage in the website as a member to access videos, handbooks, courses, and more. Choose sign in in the top right corner. You may have to Request Invitation Code if you have never logged in. Please use the email that is associated with your Uplifter account. If you do not receive an invitation code, please follow up with an email to whitecourtskatingclub@gmail.com and we will contact Skate Canada on your behalf.
Once logged in, you will see SafeSport and Long Term Development (LTD) across the top menu bar. When looking at LTD resources, please review the STAR pathway.
Skate AB|NT|NU
Whitecourt Skating Club belongs to the NW Region of Skate AB|NT|NU, which is our Section of Skate Canada.
A multitude of opportunities exist through their website, including registration for competitions, skating seminars, coach development, officials training, and more.
The Section strives to support skaters and their families though communication intended to provide clarity about the sport of figure skating in our local context.
The Alberta Figure Skating Foundation has long supported skaters who demonstrate a commitment to completing their figure skating assessments and achieving to their potential.
Triple Gold and Quadruple Gold Awards are among those offered by this volunteer organization.
Be sure to sign your skater up for a membership in time to apply for their awards!
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